Meeryo Choe, MD
2014 Drown Foundation Friends Scholar
Dr. Choe received her M.D. from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. She completed her residencies in pediatrics and child neurology at UCLA, and is in her final year of a sports neurology/neurotrauma fellowship with Dr. Christopher Giza in the Brain Injury Research Center (BIRC). An avid equestrian and high school swimming and equestrian coach, she has been interested in sport-related injuries. During her previous year of Friends funding as the Morris A. Hazan Friends Fellow, she worked on determining the relationship between the physiological biomarkers distinguished by advanced brain imaging techniques and post-concussive symptoms and cognitive impairments. This project is ongoing, and she continues to study multimodal imaging and neuropsychologic outcomes in both collegiate and middle school/high school athletes. As a Drown Foundation/Friends Scholar, she is focusing on post-concussive symptoms associated with autonomic nervous system dysfunction, concentrating specifically on whether positional changes in heart rate are associated with different cognitive and psychiatric outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Identifying those individuals with autonomic dysfunction after mTBI may point to differing treatment approaches for post-concussive syndrome in these children.