Erin Kelly, PhD
2013 - 2014 Friends Scholar
Dr. Kelly earned her Ph.D. in Psychology from UC Irvine in 2012. Dr. Kelly is the recipient of a joint fellowship between the University of California – Los Angeles, the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Her research focus is on interventions designed to aid those with serious mental illness to increase their access to physical health care services and to improve the quality of their interactions with medical providers. Specifically, with her Friends Scholar grant, she is pilot testing the feasibility of a peer health navigator intervention, the “Bridge,” that uses mental health peers to guide those with mental health issues to learn how to self-manage their health and health care. She is implementing this intervention with mostly homeless individuals and training them to also use an online personal health record to help them keep track of their health information. She is also working with several other mental health agencies across Los Angeles County to establish the effectiveness of integrated mental and physical health services that are directed by mental health providers. This research will, hopefully, help to improve the quality of care and quality of life for those with serious mental illness.